It provided me with a big chuckle. It got me laughing and got me thinking. You see, in a pharmacy, I saw some hangover relief tablets promising to get you in control of a hangover.
"What is wrong with that?" you may well ask. Well, a hangover is a sign of having been out of control the night before. And a pill the next morning may not be able to put that part of it right.
Like "Penny", who one night remembers having walked home without shoes. She had drunk so much the night before that she blanked out and somehow managed to get home. She remembers little else about the night. I don't know about you, but I would never put myself at that kind of risk of rape or murder.
Or "John". He drank so much at an office party that he was seen taking a colleague to her hotel room and staying all night. His wife found out and filed for divorce. It was an expensive night out.
Add to that car accidents by drunk drivers and you have really an unattractive picture of drinking. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, some cancers, liver disease, mood swings, malnutrition as the drinker eats less to avoid weight gain, and osteoporosis.
The UK's National Health Service advocates that "men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units a day. Women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day". Really, when you think about it, you can see that if this is what your body can process a day, it surely will not change just because it is the weekend. If your eyes are blue, then are not going to suddenly turn green because it is the weekend.
A hangover the day after is your body's warning system. Your body is actually saying to you that you drank too much. The pain is a message to drink less next time. But a hangover cure silences that message. It is like an alarm that is turned off. Perhaps it is better to suffer the hangover than to take those pills the next morning. We learn, grow and develop through our experiences.
Of course, we are all young once. And we all experiment and do silly things in our youth. Young party people may well go through a phase of drinking to excess. However, at some stage, most of us get bored with it and find other pleasures to enjoy without a hangover. But when we are older and hopefully wiser, the hangover may well be a sign to be heeded.
© Suzanne Zacharia 2010. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. A virus caught at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy and am now a complementary therapist, author and trainer, helping others achieve health and happiness. Want to use this article?
"What is wrong with that?" you may well ask. Well, a hangover is a sign of having been out of control the night before. And a pill the next morning may not be able to put that part of it right.
Like "Penny", who one night remembers having walked home without shoes. She had drunk so much the night before that she blanked out and somehow managed to get home. She remembers little else about the night. I don't know about you, but I would never put myself at that kind of risk of rape or murder.
Or "John". He drank so much at an office party that he was seen taking a colleague to her hotel room and staying all night. His wife found out and filed for divorce. It was an expensive night out.
Add to that car accidents by drunk drivers and you have really an unattractive picture of drinking. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, some cancers, liver disease, mood swings, malnutrition as the drinker eats less to avoid weight gain, and osteoporosis.
The UK's National Health Service advocates that "men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units a day. Women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day". Really, when you think about it, you can see that if this is what your body can process a day, it surely will not change just because it is the weekend. If your eyes are blue, then are not going to suddenly turn green because it is the weekend.
A hangover the day after is your body's warning system. Your body is actually saying to you that you drank too much. The pain is a message to drink less next time. But a hangover cure silences that message. It is like an alarm that is turned off. Perhaps it is better to suffer the hangover than to take those pills the next morning. We learn, grow and develop through our experiences.
Of course, we are all young once. And we all experiment and do silly things in our youth. Young party people may well go through a phase of drinking to excess. However, at some stage, most of us get bored with it and find other pleasures to enjoy without a hangover. But when we are older and hopefully wiser, the hangover may well be a sign to be heeded.
© Suzanne Zacharia 2010. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. A virus caught at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy and am now a complementary therapist, author and trainer, helping others achieve health and happiness. Want to use this article?
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